21 Healthy Tips for 2023

  1. Easy ways to be more active in your day:
    • Take time out of your day for a walk–all you have to do is step outside!
    • Take the stairs instead of the elevator
    • Park farther than you normally would and walk the distance
    • Bike instead of drive
    • Do mini-workouts throughout the day
    • Set an alarm each hour and walk around for a few minutes if you sit for long periods of time
    • Turn on the music and dance by yourself or with others
    • Do chores at home
  2. Eat Better:
    • It’s so easy to slip into bad eating habits. Although grab-and-go foods are great when you’re busy, they are not always the best option. Incorporate these seasonal veggies into your diet for healthy meals!
      • Kale, Collards, Lettuce, Peas, Brussel Sprouts, Spinach, Carrots, Beets, Swiss Chard, Parsnips, Collard Greens, Rutabagas, Red Cabbage, Radishes, Parsley, Broccoli.
  3. Having a sweet craving? Here are some seasonal fruits to satisfy your sweet tooth:
    • Apples, Bananas, Cranberries, Citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, limes, mandarin oranges, clementines, tangerines, grapefruit, tangelos, blood oranges, kumquats) Kiwis, Pears, Persimmons, Pineapples, Pomegranates, Quince.
  4. Strive for at least 150 minutes of exercise per week:
    • Break it down to 40 minutes 4 days a week, 30 minutes 5 days a week, or however you’d like! Choose what works best for your lifestyle.
  5. Cut your coffee calories:
    • Cut calories in your morning cup of coffee by skipping the cream and sugar. Instead, try drinking it black or reducing your amount of each.
  6. Keep a fitness journal:
    • Tracking keeps you accountable, and studies show that those who keep journals are more successful at weight loss than those who don’t.
  7. Pay attention to your thoughts:
    • Thoughts are powerful; bring awareness to yours. Do you encourage yourself with body positivity or hold yourself back with negativity? Changing your mindset could be all it takes to get your health on track.
  8. Eat the rainbow:
    • Eat foods that are closest to their natural state as possible. Aim for whole, fresh foods in a rainbow of colors.
  9. Avoid processed foods:
    • Watch out because processed foods have multiple negative side effects. Generally speaking, the fewer the ingredients, the better the food. Taking a quick look at food labels can tell you a lot, but ideally, most of the food you buy doesn’t need a label.
  10. Make sure you drink water:
    • Most adults need about two quarts of fluid per day to replace normal water loss or approximately eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day.
  11. Do workouts you enjoy:
    • Find a form (or two!) of movement you truly enjoy. It’s easier to stick to things we look forward to rather than dread.
  12. Set perfectionism aside:
    • Keep in mind that striving for perfection usually leads to disaster. Set small goals and stair-step your way to success by developing daily healthy habits. Celebrate those wins, regardless of perfection.
  13. Take recovery days:
    • Give yourself one to two days a week for active recovery. Rest days should be simple. Take a walk. Do a gentle yoga class. Just engage in something less intense than what you do for exercise the other days of the week.
  14. Don’t just focus on the scale:
    • Find different ways to measure success other than stepping on the scale. Pay attention to how you feel after you’ve been working out consistently. Think about the long-term health benefits of exercise.
  15. Try working out in the morning:
    • Get that heart rate up first thing in the morning. While the time of day makes no difference regarding results, you may be more likely to make excuses as time goes on. Plus, a morning workout might be perfect for some “you” time.
  16. Track your workout schedule:
    • Circle the days on a calendar when you’ve worked out, or mark it on your phone. That way, you can feel proud of your successes and be able to repeat the schedule that worked for you in the past.
  17. Treat yourself:
    • Pat yourself on the back for all your hard work with a massage or your favorite TV show, or draw yourself a nice, relaxing bath. Prioritize self-care a few times a week. Just make sure your “treat” doesn’t sabotage your success.
  18. Make a list of positive affirmations:
    • Here are a few to get you started: ‘I love to exercise’. ‘I want to live a healthy life’. ‘My body is getting healthier every day’.
  19. Don’t beat yourself up:
    • There’s no such thing as “cheating.” Don’t be too hard on yourself or your body. Empower yourself to make a better choice next time.
  20. Ditch comparisons:
    • Don’t compare yourself or your body to others; focus on your own progress instead.
  21. Create measurable goals you can check off:
    • These should be smaller things that take you only a couple of weeks to accomplish. You can have your ultimate goal, but if it’s years out, motivation can wane.

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